A discount of 15% is available for watersport adventures.
Boot Campaign
Make A Wish Foundation
Fayette Humane Society Inc
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Divine Canines
Shroud of Turin Education & Research Association
Us for Warriors Foundation
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Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County
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E3 Initiative Foundation USA
Intermountain Humane Society
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Lion Heart Heroes Foundation
Four Mile Run Conservatory Foundation
Volunteers for Animals of Batavia
E3 Initiative Foundation USA
New Beginnings Incorporation: Transitional Services
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Shopping Tips
Seavenger is an online retailer that specializes in providing high-quality, affordable scuba diving and snorkeling equipment, as well as other outdoor gear. Their products range from wetsuits and fins to masks, snorkels, and diving accessories. Seavenger prides itself on offering customers exceptional value, quality, and service.
Seavenger.com offers free standard shipping on orders over $80 within the contiguous United States. For orders below $80, standard shipping costs $6.95. However, expedited shipping options are also available at an additional cost.
Seavenger.com provides a 30-day return policy for all of their products. The item must be in new and unused condition with the original packaging and tags still attached. The customer is responsible for return shipping costs unless the return is due to a faulty or damaged product.
For support at seavenger.com, you can visit their support page at seavenger.com/pages/contact-us or call their customer service line at 1-888-706-5678. You can also send them an email at orders@seavenger.com.
Payment Methods
Seavenger.com accepts payments via credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover), PayPal, and Amazon Pay.
Common Discounts
Seavenger.com typically offers percentage off coupons (10%, 15%, or 20%) or dollar amount off coupons ($10 off orders over $50, $15 off orders over $75, or $20 off orders over $100).
Alternative scuba diving equipment websites include LeisurePro and DiveIn, but their pricing and selection may vary compared to Seavenger.com.
Company Ethics
Seavenger.com offers products made from eco-friendly materials, donates gear to local charities, and offsets their carbon emissions through reforestation programs.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I apply Seavenger Promo Codes?
- 1. Click on any of the seavenger promo codes available above and copy the code appearing in the new window.
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- 3. If no promo codes are currently available, you can click on the deal button which will automatically apply a discount at seavenger.com.
Does Seavenger.com offer loyalty rewards or gift cards?
Seavenger.com offers a loyalty rewards program called "Dive Rewards" where customers can earn points for every dollar they spend on the website. Customers can redeem their points to receive discounts on future purchases. The minimum amount of points required for redemption is 500 points, which equals to $5. The website also offers a gift card program where customers can purchase digital gift cards ranging from $10 to $500. There is no minimum threshold for purchasing gift cards. Gift cards can be used to purchase any product on the website and do not expire.
How much can I save with Seavenger Promo Codes?
There are currently 2 coupons codes and 3 deals active for seavenger.com and you can save up to 28% by using coupons listed on this page.
What are some other ways I can save money at Seavenger.com?
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- ✔ Shop on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Holiday Events and End of Season Sales at seavenger.com to get the biggest discounts.
How do I donate to charity while shopping at Seavenger.com with DealAid?
- 1. Click on one of the Seavenger promo codes listed on this page.
- 2. Select one of the non-profit organizations appearing in the new window or search for your favorite charity in the search box.
- 3. Checkout at Seavenger.com and DealAid will donate a part of our affiliate commission to the charity you selected at the beginning of next month.
Top Five Seavenger.com Coupon Codes & Deals
Discount | Description | Code |
15% OFF | Save 15% On 1st Purchase With Email Sign Up at Seavenger | ***** |
50% OFF | Save Up To 50% On Kids’ Sale Products | ***** |
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10% OFF | Save 10% With Code At Seavenger | ***** |
15% OFF | A discount of 15% is available for watersport adventures. | ***** |